Elsewhere where they have some popculture, this Justice song is played even in the most dumb tv shows. Here it is considered as the fashion-celeb-snob-music geeks VIP party song.
justice - d.a.n.c.e.
the whole album is perfect, of course.
And when will Roxy Radio start playing songs from the Kitsune and Ed Banger label?
I remember when they tried playing drumandbass once 4-5 years ago. It was Kosheen: Hide U, (they only played some a-bit-more-house remix of it). It was not a great song, but it was a hit. Anyhow, i guess the management got so scared from the dramatic shift in beats, that they've ordered never to try anything new, and to play that good old tune from ATB everyday.
Some more from the Ed banger label
Their advert
and live
do the dance is a pop song
2007.10.21. 12:45 schultze
Szólj hozzá!
Címkék: justice electro ed banger records french
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